The unveiling of Lady Clare's Seal
with Senior Tutor, Professor Jackie Tasiouslas and Lida Cardozo of the The Cardozo Kindersley Workshop

Join us for our final event and the closing ceremony of our 50th Anniversary of co-education!
Senior Tutor Jackie Tasiouslas and Lida Cardozo (The Cardozo Kindersley Workshop) will be giving a lecture on the history of Lady Elizabeth de Clare and uncovering the story behind her seal.
The Cardozo Kindersley Workshop has been commissioned to create a sculpted reproduction of the Clare College seal, one of the few remaining artefacts from the College’s earliest history. The seal features an image of Lady Clare holding the statutes of the College, surrounded by nine figures kneeling respectfully, representing Clare’s Master and Fellows.
The carving will be placed in the newly-renovated H staircase upon the completion of the works in the North Range of Old Court.