Old Court project
Key updates
Phase 1b update: 9 December 2024
The scheme to upgrade the ventilation to the ware wash room was completed on schedule and the relative humidity (RH) in the ware wash room has reduced as a result. The new extract duct has been modified as planned and, following the installation of acoustic screening externally, final acceptance testing is scheduled in the lead-up to Christmas.
Phase 2 - Structural works progress
- All noisy construction works have ceased w/c 9th December whilst Admissions interviews take place.
- Collyweston's tile recycling and lead preparation is continuing off-site during this week.
- On D range, the medieval limecrete has been incorporated and preserved into the reconstruction of the lead guttering.
- Carpentry preparation work to window surrounds is progressing but limited to the third floor level and quieter activities such as puttying.
- On D-E range there remains the requirement to repair or replace three load bearing lintels and a further tie beam problem has been uncovered, requiring more substantial repair than first expected, possibly replacement.
- On range H-G the roof has been fully exposed. The level of repair required is being assessed following the reports of the timber specialists, structural engineers and architects. A meeting to consider this and plan the individual repairs needed is scheduled for the end of this week. This will then inform the refreshed construction programme for issue in January 2025.
- Repairs for the two damaged tie beams previously reported on H-G Range are being designed.
- Construction works cease for the Christmas break from Friday 20th December until Monday 6th January 2025.
Phase 2 - Scaffolding
- The removal of scaffolding is expected to start from the A Stair corner in spring 2025.
- The Gardens are now closed for their annual schedule of winter maintenance.
- It's 12 months since the reinstatement of the Gardens was completed following the removal of the crane, the temporary bridge and the site compound which completely occupied the Master's and Fellows' Gardens. This element of the construction contract was signed off at the end of November, subject to a few minor remedial works.
- The gardening team are persevering in the Fellows' Garden with the pedestrian aerator to alleviate water logging of the main lawn. It is expected that the Gardens will be available for large events next summer.
Phase 1a was completed in October 2020 after 2 years’ work, and comprised re-roofing of the North Range as well as modernisation of the Porters’ Lodge, refurbishment of facilities in the basements of E and G staircases and student rooms in A and B staircases, a new fire escape, the rewiring of C staircase and the construction of a new plant room.
Phase 1b saw the construction of the River Room café; new steps with a concealed lift to the North Range to allow full accessibility to all the main spaces of Old Court (for the first time in the College’s history); the refitting of the main College kitchens; and the construction of a new three-storey extension in the North Passage incorporating a new servery area, toilet and accessible facilities, a lift and fire escape.