Transforming the beating heart of Clare

After five years of enabling and building work, involving the construction of a temporary bridge over the Cam, the erection of a crane in the Master’s garden, and the deployment of temporary kitchens and buttery facilities on the lawns, the College is delighted – and not a little relieved – to announce the imminent completion of the second phase of the Old Court project.
The overall purpose of the project is to provide the best possible experience for current and future students, so that they can benefit from all the opportunities of a Clare education. Old Court is the beating heart of the College, so ensuring its long-term conservation, upgrading its facilities, and allowing it to be used flexibly for a range of student activities are core priorities.

The first phase of the Old Court project, 1a, was completed in October 2020, and comprised modernisation of the Porters’ Lodge, refurbishment of facilities in the basements of E and G staircases, refurbishment of A and B staircases, a new fire escape, rewiring of C staircase, construction of a new plant room, and re-roofing of the North Range. (Leaking roofs had made many of the attic rooms unsafe and uninhabitable.)
The second phase, 1b, comprises the construction of the new River Room café for Clare students on the footprint of the old television room (north of the Master’s Garden), new steps to the North Range to improve access to Hall, the refitting of the main College kitchens, and the construction of a new three-storey extension in the North Passage incorporating a new servery area, toilet and disabled facilities, a lift and fire escapes. As a result, all the key spaces of Old Court will be fully accessible for the first time in the College’s history. The Hall will become a more flexible space that can be used for performances as well as meals.

Clare News is pleased to report that the crane in the Master’s Garden was taken down in mid- March, allowing Loretta Minghella to use the Master’s Study for the first time since her installation. The kitchens, buttery and Small Hall reopened for use at the start of the Easter Term, and the temporary kitchens (which have served the College well for four years) were removed in mid-May, allowing the Old Court lawns to be reinstated in time for graduation. At the time of going to press, the new River Room café was on course to open, and the Hall to reopen later this summer.

Phase 2, the third and final element of the Old Court project, will involve the re-roofing of the East, South and West Ranges (staircases A to G), the rewiring of D and E staircases, and the
refurbishment of rooms in staircases C, D and E. This will be achieved with the erection of external scaffolding, but without significant disruption to life in Old Court. Work is due to commence this autumn and to be completed by the end of 2025, in time for the College’s 700th anniversary celebrations in 2026.
Once the Old Court project is fully complete, future generations of students will be once again able to enjoy the historic spaces in College, and our successors will be spared from having to carry out major works in Old Court for another 300 years or so!
Campaign update
The Campaign for Old Court, which aims to secure £25 million in donations towards the overall £42 million cost of the project, has so far raised over £21 million from alumni and well-wishers. If you would like to help us close the Campaign and secure the
heart of the College for future generations of Clare students, please contact the Development Office.