Catherine Clark, 2014

"The experiences I had, the connections I made, and the values I learned have undoubtedly shaped me into the individual I am today."

Catherine read Natural Sciences at Clare and has since gone onto a successful career in the Civil Service. She is currently a Senior Policy Advisor in the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.

Who was your greatest Clare influence and why?

If I had to choose one person, it would be Nigel Woodcock. In my first week, Nigel's supervision provided solace. It was a simple chat over tea, but it made me feel truly seen and valued for my whole self, at a time when I was feeling the overwhelming weight of others’ expectations. This kindness and empathy had a lasting impression on me.

Catherine's Story

My journey with Clare began back in 2012, when my school choir had the amazing opportunity to sing a joint evensong with Clare Choir. Little did I know that this would leave such a lasting impression that I would find myself back singing evensong in the same chapel two years later.

One of my most memorable experiences was being the president of Clare May Ball in 2018. It really was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I feel very fortunate to have led the last college ball before the Old Court building works commenced. This experience really made me feel like a valued member of the college community in a way I hadn't felt before, working closely with college staff, the student body, and Cambridge council. The ball itself passed by in a blur, but what I remember most vividly is the morning after, when we were all exhausted from lack of sleep. As we cleaned up and hauled rubbish into a skip on the backs, the head porter surprised us with a McDonald's breakfast. It was a small gesture, but it symbolised the camaraderie of the college community.

Clare has played a pivotal role in shaping me as a person. It provided me with my first leadership experiences, through senior positions in the choir, music society, and the May Ball. These positions helped shape my leadership style, which I am continuing to develop throughout my career in the Civil Service.

As I reflect on the last 10 years, my time at Clare stands out as a pivotal period of personal growth. The experiences I had, the connections I made, and the values I learned have undoubtedly shaped me into the individual I am today.