Carole James, 1984
" I am grateful for the courage and confidence that my years at Clare gave me and the happy memories of that time."

Carole read Medicine at Clare. She is currently working alongside her husband at a church in Norwich.
Who was your greatest Clare influence and why?
My greatest influence at Clare as a young medical student was my Director of Studies, Dr Gordon Wright. During my time at Clare Dr Wright was a such an encouragement to me, especially when exams did not go so well. His great line was ‘You are only in Cambridge for three years, make the most of it,’ and so we did!
Carole's Story
I arrived at Clare from a large comprehensive school in Crawley, West Sussex. I had first met Dr Wright at my interview in December 1983 but did not realise who he was! As I nervously reached the top of the stairs of S staircase, I was met by a man I thought might be another porter. He offered to make me a coffee while I was waiting and then proceeded to ask me lots of questions. It was only when I had finished my drink and was invited into his room for an interview that I realised who he was!! He had paid particular attention to my personal statement, where I had stated that I loved sewing and asked if I was wearing anything I had made, which fortunately I had! Presumably, my answers over that coffee were good enough and I received an unconditional offer shortly afterwards.
The first few days at Clare were a whirlwind of excitement. I knew nobody studying at Cambridge and little about the medical course that I was about to embark on. Memorial Court was a noisy building site as the new library was being constructed and my set on L staircase was so much bigger than I had imagined a student room to be. I remember queuing outside the senate house at a ridiculous hour to secure practical sessions in the morning, searching through The Reporter to find out when and where lectures were to be held and cycling along the cobbled streets.
I made lifelong friends in that first week at Clare, including my husband Richard James, and many from other colleges. In that first term I joined the Clare Boat Club as rowing seemed to be the sport that you must take part in whilst an undergraduate and remember cold, misty mornings on the Cam. I loved the experience of eating in hall and decided with my new friend Anne that we would try to dine at every college hall over the three years we had in front of us. I think we almost managed it too!
During my time at Clare, I loved college life, including the many plays and musical events, supervisions with sherry or wine, punting on the Cam, helpful porters (especially Colin) and the annual Clare May Ball. I also made a dress for the first of those and one for a friend for the last! I was surprised and thrilled to discover that I had been awarded the Greene Prize on graduating.
My faith was important to me, and I became a chapel warden when Viv Faull was the Chaplain and Rowan Williams was the Dean. I loved the college chapel with its choral music and Sunday morning breakfasts, the Clare Christian Union and being part of The Round Church in Cambridge.
It was there that Richard and I were married in 1990 with a beautiful reception at Clare and wedding photographs in the stunning gardens. We left the party being punted away from the Clare Gardens with everyone waving from Clare Bridge! Dr Wright was a guest, cheering us on, and remained a friend for life, inviting us to eat in Clare when I was working at Addenbroooke’s Hospital, visiting us when our daughter was born in Cambridge and sending a Christmas Card annually. What an encourager!

Following those undergraduate days, I went on to clinical studies in London and then GP training back in Cambridge. After the arrival of our four children, I have supported Richard in his ministry as a Church of England minister in Bristol, London and now Norwich. I work part-time here helping those in our local parish to find faith in God.
I am grateful for the courage and confidence that my years at Clare gave me and the happy memories of that time. Richard and I often visit Cambridge and walk through college. We feel very much at home, as if time has stood still. We are still part of the Clare family even as our 40-year reunion approaches next year. It is a college that welcomes everyone, a truly amazing place.