Clare College

700th Anniversary

Old Court, Clare College

The anniversary year begins in Lent Term 2026 with a series of special Sunday evensongs charting the past seven centuries in words and music. The focus of each sermon will be a notable Clare figure who has made a significant contribution to the spiritual life of this country.

Throughout 2026 Honorary Fellows of the College will give a series of 700th anniversary distinguished lectures . Each lecture will look forward to what the future may hold in a different aspect of society.

The anniversary year will also feature a number of celebratory events for alumni. We hope that as many members of Clare as possible, from every generation, will be able to visit the College to join in the celebrations.

Booking details will follow but please bookmark the dates of your favourite events now!

Lent term

Sunday 25th January - Choral Evensong
Theme: Lady Clare; Music: 14th century

Wednesday 28th January - 700th Anniversary Lecture 1
Matthew Parris, 'The Future of Journalism'

Sunday 1st February - Choral Evensong
Theme: Hugh Latimer; Music: 15th century

Sunday 8th February - Choral Evensong
Theme: William Butler; Music: 16th century

Sunday 15th February - Choral Evensong
Theme: Nicholas Ferrar; Music: 17th century

Sunday 22nd February - Choral Evensong
Theme: Richard Terrick; Music: 18th century

Wednesday 25th February - 700th Anniversary Lecture 2
Professor Sir Mark Walport, 'The Future of Medicine'

Sunday 1st March - Choral Evensong
Theme: Agnes & Margaret Smith; Music: 19th century

Sunday 8th March - Choral Evensong
Theme: Siegfried Sassoon; Music: 20th century

Tuesday 10th March - Concert
Hall Concert

Saturday 14th March - Reunion Lunch
1960 65th Reunion, 1965 60th Reunion

Sunday 15th March - Choral Evensong
Theme: Forward looking; Music: 21st century

Wednesday 18th March - 700th Anniversary Lecture 3
Professor Susan Alcock, 'The Future of Archaeology'

Easter Term

Saturday 25th April - Relics' Regatta
Rowing and Dinner

Wednesday 29th April - 700th Anniversary Lecture 4
Air Chief Marshal Sir Richard Knighton: 'The Future of Defence'

Saturday 9th May - Alumni Dinner
For alumni participating in West Road Concert

Sunday 10th May - Concert
Alumni concert, West Road Concert Hall

Long vacation

Sunday 21st June - Concert
CCMS May Week Concert

Monday 22nd June - May Ball
Clare May event for students and alumni

Thursday 2nd July - 700th Anniversary Revels
Staff, Fellows and Alumni who matriculated in 2019 and 2020

Friday 3rd July - Reunion Dinner
2000 25th Reunion

Saturday 4th July - Alumni Garden Party
For all Alumni

Saturday 4th July - Reunion Dinner
1975 50th Reunion

Friday 25th September - Reunion Dinner
2016 10th Reunion, 2006 20th Reunion

Saturday 26th September - Reunion Dinner
1996 30th Reunion, 1986 40th Reunion

Michaelmas Term

Wednesday 28th October - 700th Anniversary Lecture 5
Professor Henry Louis ('Skip') Gates Jr: 'The Future of Race'

Tuesday 3rd November - Concert
Hall Concert

Wednesday 11th November - 700th Anniversary Lecture 6
The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull: ‘The Future of Faith’

Wednesday 25th November - 700th Anniversary Lecture 7
The Rt Revd & Rt Hon Lord (Rowan) Williams of Oystermouth: 'The Future of Humanity'