Clare Review

Editors Note
Dear reader,
We hope you enjoy this issue of the Review.
Over the past year, the College has marked fifty years of co-education. We have a full report on the celebrations, and interviews with two of our most recent alumnae.
The graduands of 2023 dined in Hall for the very first time on the eve of their procession to the Senate House. After three years of conservation and refurbishment work, we celebrate the re-opening of Hall, Small Hall and the Buttery, and the spectacular addition of the new River Room, with a full report on the Old Court project, now entering its third and final phase. The annual list of demonstrates the magnificent support we receive from alumni and well-wishers – for Old Court and many other areas of College life – for which we remain extremely grateful.
Elsewhere in this issue, the College Officers report on their areas of College life, and we also have updates on the Clare gardens and buildings. We feature an interview with two recently retired, long-serving members of staff, while a 100-year-old rugby blazer gifted to the College reveals a poignant story of alumni sacrifice and a family’s multi-generational links with Clare.
Reflecting the feedback from our recent Strategic Questionnaire, this issue showcases some of the ground-breaking research being carried out by Clare Fellows, and we have a special focus on sustainability and outreach.
We hope you enjoy keeping in touch with the College and we look forward to welcoming you back to Clare soon. As ever, please do get in touch with any feedback.
Toby Wilkinson & Sally Hodges | Editors